Post-Workout Meals and Fat Oxidation Rates

Recently I was doing some research on post-workout meals and recovery from workouts and came across something interesting.

In a study performed out of the Virginia Commonwealth University titled "Effects of different macronutrient consumption following a resistance-training session on fat and carbohydrate metabolism", it was demonstrated that regardless of whether your post-workout meal consists of primarily carbohydrates or primarily fat, fat oxidation will stay the same.

It is still important to keep in mind though that only the carbohydrate meal will effect the blood insulin and glucose levels, which is what will really drive those amino acids into the muscle cells and help speed recovery.

Either way though, if you really struggle with carbohydrate sensitivity issues and struggle frequently with that post-workout meal blood sugar drop, you may consider removing some of the carbohdyrates.

This may not be optimal in terms of recovery, but if it helps prevent food binges in the hours after the workout and your primary aim is fat loss, it could be something to consider.

Either way you slice it though, getting in some form of protein after your post-workout meal will be critical.

Reference. Bosher, KJ. et al. (2004) Effects of different macronutrient consumption following a resistance-training session on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. J Strength Cond Res. May;18(2):212-9.